Commercial Law

Commercial Law
Our Law Firm takes on cases from the entire spectrum of commercial law, covering, according to law, each and every field of trade area of commercial and industrial enterprises in the field of legal advice and legal claim.
We provide comprehensive legal services to personal as well as capital commercial companies from their initial establishment until the judicial settlement of any kind of disputes arising from the operation and trading activity with third parties (natural and legal persons) as well as the Greek public in general.
For many years our company has consistently provided its services to many professional organizations as well as small and medium-sized businesses.
Criminal Law

Criminal Law
Our firm undertakes criminal cases related to crimes against wealth and property, to human life and physical integrity and health, crimes against honor, white collar crimes as well as cases regarding related offenses set forth in specific criminal laws, such as tax crimes, money laundering, violations of the provisions of market regulations, illegal construction, the non-payment of insurance contributions, the criminal provisions of the protection of free competition and distinguishing marks, the criminal liability of board members in limited companies, etc.
Legal appearance and representation of clients in court at all stages of criminal proceedings (pretrial stage- intermediate consultation stage- procedure in court).
Administrative Law

Administrative Law
Our office undertakes cases regarding the resolution of rescission disputes and disputes of substance related to citizens’ relations with all State and public entities, public services as public bodies exercising power.
Particular emphasis is given to of tax law and extra-judicial and judicial disputes between companies and traders with the tax authority.
Our legal services also extend to administrative and judicial review of the legality of the securities issued by public administrations and public entities administrative acts, when they relate to the constitutionally guaranteed individual and social rights of citizens.
Our Law Firm took the lead in the annulment of the "memorandum" regulations that violated the fundamental provisions of the Constitution and the international conventions in the Supreme National Courts and in Europe.
We are the first and only Law Firm in Greece that has managed to win the most important decisions from the European Social Charter Commission to protect the labor, insurance, purchasing power of workers and freelancers.
In our corporate history, we have a plethora of cases heard by the Supreme Court, the CoE, the CA, the Court of Auditors and the ECC Committee in Strasbourg.
Lastly, we consistently provide superior legal services in the area of the Chamber regarding cases of Tax, Commerce in general Administrative and Civil Service Law and Public Accounting.
Civil Law

Civil Law
Our firm takes on cases from the entire range of civil law and in particular: disputes from sales contracts, works contracts, civil and commercial leases, leasing, liability in tort, disputes regarding vehicular damages, disputes regarding medical liability claims (civil and criminal), family and inheritance disputes, protection cases of real rights such as distribution and ownership as well as any other case concerning these laws. Intellectual Property Law, Environmental Law and Electronic Transactions are relevant new areas whereby our company specializes in and provides services for those concerned.
Labor Law

Labor Law
Our firm undertakes affairs regarding the entire labor law and the law of social insurance both on a collective and individual level, having a long and stable presence and long tradition in the broad field of labor and social security rights.
We place emphasis on international and European practice and jurisprudence in adhering to international and European conventions on citizens' rights and workers, as well as vulnerable social groups (people with disabilities, unemployed, migrants).
Military issues / Military Criminal Law

Military issues / Military Criminal Law
Our office undertakes affairs concerning both the conditions of military service of members and disputes arising from the performing of their military duties, as well as cases of committing military offenses such as desertion, disobedience, insubordination, the verbal abuse of senior –inferior military staff members, the violation of military order as well as any other case concerning these laws.
Up-to-date legal services to businesses and entrepreneurs.

Up-to-date legal services to businesses and entrepreneurs.
In today’s crisis, unfortunately, the regularity of constitutional legitimacy is often violated. The legislative matrix of the legal norms imposed by the memorandums dominates Greece’s economic and social life (see more in my books "The Legal Class of the Memorandum, ELIKON Publications, 2011" and "The European Social Charter in Greece of the Crisis - Judicial Games, Papazisis Publications, 2014 "). This is why our Firm is trying to respond to every legal problem concerning entrepreneurs and businesses in Greece suffering from Production and Political Management.
The increasing demands generated by the - unfortunately - ongoing economic crisis in terms of maintaining the sustainability of our business, have been a new challenge for our Company.
Our willingness to offer our customers, as always, the best possible representation has led us to start our cooperation with both the Certified Public Accountants (SOL) and the company "FORIN", which successfully operates in the field of tax affairs, opening up new horizons in serving our corporate and general business customers. We expect this cooperation to serve both companies that have overdue debts (red loans) and want to either regulate or decrease their debt, as well as those who wish to consult our Law Firm on the overall legal settlement of their corporate issues (tax, labor, claims, etc.).
In summary, our Law Firm provides:A) With regard to individual businesses
- Consultation on bank-loan contracts - debts to banks - processing regulations.
- Consultation on accounting-tax issues.
- Consultation on pension-social, insurance-deposits of claims in insurance funds.
- Consultation on issues regarding public debt.
- Consultation on employment issues, calculation of redundancy compensation, employment contracts and issues arising from them.
- Consultation on tax-accounting issues (books-data, VAT, deductible expenses, corporate income tax, securities).
- Consultation on employment and employer issues.
- Consultation on Administrative Law, Business Law, Fines, Court Courts, etc.
- Consultation on matters of general commercial and company law.
- Consultation on / subscription for settling overdue debts (red loans).
- Consultation on / Assistance / Mediation claims.
- Consultation on contracts / private contracts.
- Preparing a folder for development programs.
- Mediation services regarding disputes with insurance companies.